Getting off a Bondi junction we had the choice of getting the bus down to the beach or walk it, as it was 20 degrees we thought walk it as it only takes about 15 minutes. By the time we had got there we was hungry, so we grabbed so lunch and sat on the rocks.

After eating a lot and i mean a lot we thought we better walk it off. The Bondi to Bronte walk is meant to be breathtaking and exhausting but worth it! I thought it was going to be easy but i was wrong, oh very wrong! You walk alongside the rocks and got a view overlooking all the beaches. Because right round the corner of Bondi beach you have Tamarama beach and Bronte. I didn't realise how close they were to each other, i thought they were far away but when you stand at the top of the cliff you can see all three. Its gorgeous! The views are definitely worth the hike and during the trail you have work out benches. I attempted a push up but after my limit of 1 i just sat there and took in the views whilst bobby carried on We walked for about 4 hours so its safe to say we were ready for bed when we got in!
We wanted to do this walk in the winter because when it comes to summer its going to be even more exhausting to walk all of that in the heat.
Were falling in love with Bondi and i can't wait for Christmas when we spend all of Christmas day and new years day staying in the sun and looking at lifeguards!
The sand furthest away is Bronte then the next one along is Tamarama and then the one closest to us is just rocks.
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